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Kirrawee High School

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First Nations – Term 2 Update

Art Work

Cultural Mentoring – Young Men’s Group

Kurranulla Organisation have started a Cultural Mentoring Group for our Young Men where they meet and connect with culture.  We look forward to this group continuing in Terms 3 and 4

The Artwork pictured above : Cultural Collaboration of Stories by our Young Men’s Group: Antonio Beaupark, Lewis Hanlen, Ted Chapman, and Ty Hema.

Reconciliation Week and Sorry Day Assembly

We were honoured to welcome our local community to participate in the Reconciliation Week and Sorry Day Assembly. Key highlights of the event included a moving address given by Riley of Gymea Bay Public School, who spoke passionately about Culture and the importance of Reconciliation Week. Riley was supported by Shaunagh Scott from GBPS and his Dad, adding a personal touch to the assembly.

We were also privileged to hear from respected Elder Auntie Barb, who gave the Keynote Address. Auntie Barb shared her profound experiences of the Stolen Generation, providing a poignant and insightful perspective on the significance of this week.

During the assembly, students also watched a recorded performance of our Gymea Bay Public School Wakakirri, the Winners of 2023, showcasing their incredible talent and creativity.  

After the assembly, Auntie Barb led a workshop with our First Nations Students where she shared her wisdom and life story. It was amazing to see our First Nations Students really connect in this way.

We also were very proud to have Rikkii Dargan from Kurranulla Organisation lead a weaving workshop for our School Leaders.

Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to making this event a meaningful and memorable occasion.

NAIDOC Week Assembly

Well done to our Emerging Leaders who addressed the Whole School Assembly for NAIDOC Week:

-          Ava Mitanovski delivered the Acknowledgment of Country which was developed by herself and Zoey Bender.

-          Erika Beaupark addressed the school about the Theme for NAIDOC Week and why it is important.

-          Ty Hema (Year 7) addressed the school about What is Coming Up in the Shire for NAIDOC Week.

What’s coming up Term 3:

-          Kurranulla Cultural Mentoring continues weeks 3, 5, 7 and 9 for our Young Men’s Group.

-          NRL School To Work Program – Years 10, 11 and 12.

-          We hope to welcome back soon Rikkii and Wayne from Kurranulla to work with our Yarning Circle on some Weaving and Art Workshops.