Kirrawee High School

Telephone02 9521 2099

Student Leadership

Junior Student Leadership Groups

This is such an exciting co-curricular space at Kirrawee High School. Working with highly committed, capable, and articulate students all in the cause of building a better world is nothing less than exhilarating! Leadership at Kirrawee is viewed in many way, but suffice to say that we ask all of these students to bring but one thing to their work: influence. This influence to bring about change, or strengthen the values we hold dear, is paramount to their various roles. Working with respect, dignity, grace and inclusion are the invisible threads that bind each group to the 1100 students and staff at this school. Together they help build the integrity of students that will be tomorrow’s leaders. As a school, we are both proud and optimistic with this most comforting of thoughts.


The Student Representative Council is a long-standing leadership group that offers students opportunities to develop the personal qualities and skills that define good leaders. Elected by their peers, they bear a responsibility to take issues to council, represent and debate different views, and make recommendations to the school’s Senior Executive. These students also work actively in the area of mental health, supporting proactive strategies such as Wellbeing Week, which underpin the individual and collective flourishing we wish to see for students at our school.


The Social Justice Council arose in recent years in response to the interest in the many good causes and social movements that look to achieve a shared, inclusive and united humanity. Also elected by peers, they hold and debate a broad cross-section of views, remain sensitive to and celebrate the variation that defines human beings, and promote the arguments that shape articulate, deeply thinking, and compassionate citizens. They work enthusiastically in areas such as Reconciliation Week and Wear It Purple Day, all the time marking progress towards a global society more at peace with itself.


The Sustainability and Environment Council works toward a planet that remains worth living on! We may note a rapidly expanding population on an ever-shrinking planet, however these student leaders are part of the solutions we are all relying on well into the future. Crucially, they help shape the collective conscience of our school and remind us that modifying behaviour, based on reliable science, is the very foundation of a productive future. Their planting of many trees for World Tree Day, maintaining native species, and recycling are just some of the ways they urge us to make a difference.

White Ribbon Ambassadors and Advocates

The most recent of our leadership groups, these young people have already attracted very wide attention, working with their younger peers in local primary schools and reaching out through social media to promote a campaign that says no to violence against women and girls. Even more recently, our male student and teacher White Ribbon Ambassadors have been joined by their female counterparts as White Ribbon Advocates. Along with their leadership of White Ribbon Week there will be more exciting initiatives that will motivate these passionate young adults. Not violent, not silent.