Assessment programs meet the components and weightings in each syllabus as mandated by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Assessment Weeks are designated during the course for completion of all tasks. During these weeks usual classes are replaced by a scheduled assessment timetable and students will use any non-scheduled time for task preparation and study in the school library or at home. Please see Moodle for an updated list of the assessment weeks for each year.
If a student is unable to attempt a task as scheduled and the circumstances exist prior to that task they must notify the Deputy Principal by completing a Variation to Assessment form. Approval will be subject to usual NESA guidelines. Family holidays are generally not considered appropriate grounds for approval.
If a student is prevented from attending an assessment task or examination due to illness or misadventure they should notify the Deputy Principal on the day. They should complete an Illness/Misadventure form. Similarly if a student considers that their performance in the task has been significantly affected by illness or misadventure during the assessment an Illness/Misadventure form should be completed.
Failure to comply with assessment task regulations may result in a zero award and Non-completion awards which jeopardize the Year 11 RoSA/HSC
Further information is provided in the Kirrawee High School Assessment Policy and on the Assessment Schedules Course on Moodle.
Visit the forms page (linked here) to access the variation to assessment and illness/misadventure forms