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Kirrawee High School

Kirrawee High School

Telephone02 9521 2099

Year 12 2024 Leadership Team


Kirrawee High School is delighted to announce the Year 12 Leadership team for 2024.

Our School Captains for 2024 are Molly Fitzpatrick and Patrick Pike, who will be very capably supported by our Principal’s Representative Tara Collier and Vice Captains Anaya Ghelani and Taj Bennett, along with our Prefects who have the responsibility of leading our SRC teams. For 2024 our Wellbeing Prefects are Elias Koroneos, Kynan Di Cesare and Thomas McAfee, our Environment Prefects are Tobie Lennon and Will Hutcheon and our Social Justice Prefects are Dylan Phillips and Lexie Lake.

The team undertook a handover with the Year 12 Leadership team of 2023 this week to learn the ropes and starting planning for their tenure from Term 4 of this year.

All members of this formidable team will work together to lead our student body and community to share in positive improvements and formative school experiences. We are encouraged by their maturity, insight and passion for our school and can’t wait to see their leadership in action!