06 Apr 2023
Overall Summary:
The 2023 leadership team would like to wish all of KHS congratulations on finishing term 1 of this year, and thank all those who have participated, supported and contributed to the initiatives and ideas that have been developed in school throughout this term.
It’s been a great start to the year and a period where our leadership team now thrives with the opportunities and challenges presented to us by both students and staff for the betterment of Kirrawee High. From the beginning of the term we’ve worked on strengthening the role and commitments of the SRC for our school community, creating more opportunities for students to get involved with their own personal interests and passions in school (creation of the new student forum and clubs), as well as provided bittersweet, motivational opportunities for year 12 as we reach our halfway mark in our last year of high school. The following is an insight into:
- The development and activities of the SRC and its internal groups
- A Year 12 update
- Our exciting plans for next term
SRC report:
This term for the SRC has been all about planning for the rest of the year and establishing our new model. The SRC has merged its existing leadership groups and created branches including; Wellbeing, Environment, and Social Justice. This change has been made to unify leadership within Kirrawee High School and has already created a greater connection with the student body.
Starting with the SRC Constitution, we established our expectations and roles within the team, which was a beneficial activity in itself to get a feel for how the team wanted to work this year. The SRC also created a whole school survey this term to gather information about what the students care about within the school, what issues and ideas they want the SRC to address and build on, and asked questions about what each branch of the SRC could do for them. Based on this information, each branch of the SRC has started targeting the causes and ideas that the students have expressed an interest in.
Report from SRC sub-groups:
It has been a very productive term for the SEC with a lot has of groundwork put in place to action sustainable practices for Kirrawee High School including:
- Additional return and earn bins (initially introduced by Mrs. Yee's autonomous Year 7 class)
- A planned communal garden to effectively utilise compost generated from TAS cooking classes
- An environmental sport proposal with varying activities from bush walks with rangers to maintaining the aforementioned communal garden
- A possible commerce class collaboration as an event: selling old formal clothes and other unused items within the school to prevent waste and extend the longevity of such items.
The information from the recent survey highlighted a sufficient level of familiarity with composting and worm farm practices as well as a significant interest in recycling at home and donating old clothes. The scope of our actions will continue to reflect the capability of the student body to ensure effective and efficient environmental action.
Social Justice
In term one the Social Justice Team decided to re-introduce the world’s greatest shave to the KHS fundraising calendar. The SJT was proud to continue Kirrawee High's strong history of support for the Leukaemia Foundation, seeing 15 students and teachers shave their heads and a total of $24,032.37. The SJT has planned upcoming events including Brianna Day next term. We have also tried to focus on the communication of issues to raise awareness whilst raising money.
In term 1, the Wellbeing Team focused on determining the main issues in regard to mental health at Kirrawee High School, particularly looking into the causes and effects of these issues in specific year groups. Using this information, we looked to determine the areas that should be addressed school-wide in order to assist in improving mental health in our school community, gaining much assistance from the SRC survey. We are looking to raise awareness in regard to social stigmas around speaking about mental health, how to maintain a positive relationship with peers and also how to support your own personal wellbeing.
Year 12 update:
The leadership team would like to congratulate year 12 on reaching halfway through our final year of school. To get to this point, we have all committed a mammoth effort and should be incredibly proud. Blood, sweat and tears have been poured into our successes so far and we look forward to these next 6 months with passionate and dedicated attitudes. We are on the final stretch, Year 12 and we owe it to ourselves today and to that little kindergartener who first stepped into school 13 years ago, to make the most of it. We loved seeing all your creative costumes and your adorable baby photos for our Halftime Mufti Day. Thank you all for participating with such energy and enthusiasm.
Please take good care of yourselves this holiday, everyone deserves a break. Reflect on how incredible you are and that finish line which is in sight. On behalf of the leadership team, we thank our year for making year 12 so special so far and we are beyond excited to cross that finish line with TEAM 2023!
Upcoming events for next term:
Our leadership team will be participating in many fundraising initiatives next term, including but not limited to:
- Relay for life
- The Wellbeing Push Up challenge
- Brianna day
- Do it in a dress
Alongside these causes, we are aiming to reach out to the local primary schools in our area, joining with their SRC’s and leadership teams to promote leadership in high school, as well as helping them strengthen their own teams through our legacy program.