All students
For students currently enrolled in NSW Government primary schools, the EOI booklets will be handed out by your local primary school, please return the EOI form to your child’s primary school.
For students not currently enrolled in a NSW Government primary school, you are encourage to use the online enrolment process which can be found on our website or at Service NSW. Paper EOI's need to be returned to the NSW Government secondary school that you intend to enrol your child in. The EOI form link is below. These forms need to be returned by Friday 28 March 2025.
Moving into Year 7 in a NSW Government School
For the Expression of Interest - Placement in Year 7, 2026 please click here.
School Tours will be held in Week 6 and 7 of Term 1 2025, from Monday 3rd March to Friday 14th March. Please call reception book a tour on 9521 2099.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 9.15am, 11.30am, 12.30pm
Tuesday and Thursday - 9.15am & 11.30am
Local students
Applications for local Year 6 students wanting to enrol in Year 7, 2026 at Kirrawee High School will be processed by their current primary school.
Expression of Interest - Placement in Year 7, 2026
Non-local students
An out of area applicant lives outside the drawing area for the school. School finder on the Department of Education website allows you to find your local school based on your address. Click here to check the local high school for your address.
Place numbers
Recently NSW Education introduced a 'cap' to limit the number of students each school is allowed to enrol. Kirrawee's cap has not impacted our enrolments allowing us to enrol the same quantity of students as previous years. Approximately a third of our students come from out of the area, so many places are available.
The application process will involve the submission of both the KHS Non-Local Application form and the Expression of Interest - Placement in Year 7, 2026 form which is submitted for all NSW government schools. The school selection is based on the criteria identified below. A panel consisting of a parent and the deputy principals will review the applications.
When you submit the application, please keep the evidence and responses recent such as the last two or three years. You are welcome to also submit NAPLAN results (Year 3 & Year 5) if you wish.
There are two separate due dates for the forms.
- The KHS Non-Local Application is to be returned to Kirrawee High School by the 14th March, 2025.
Click here to download our KHS Non-Local Application form from Friday 28th February, 2025.
- The Expression of Interest - Placement in Year 7, 2026 is to be returned to your primary school (or directly to KHS if you do not attend a government primary school) by the 28th March 2025.
Click here to download the Expression of Interest - Placement in Year 7, 2024 form.
Non-local section criteria
- Priority given to siblings of current students.
- Demonstrated involvement in performing arts, sports, leadership, French/Japanese Language or other special interests.
- Compassionate and/or family circumstances. Note: Compassionate circumstances must be significant and supported by evidence. Circumstances such as wanting to remain with friends or anxiety related solely to friends attending the school will not be considered valid compassionate grounds.