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Kirrawee High School

Kirrawee High School

Telephone02 9521 2099


If a student is absent from school without a legitimate reason, an SMS will be sent to the parent/carer’s mobile phone on the day of the absence. A return message indicating the reason for absence is necessary as a legal record explaining the absence.  A parent can also explain an absence through the Parent Portal, an email, phone call or a written note on return of absence.  All written notes are to be placed in the white mail box outside on the main office.  For absences due to illness for an extended period, medical documentation is required for absences to be recorded as sick.  Continued absences without medical documentation will be recorded as unjustified.

If you know prior that your child will be absent, please email a note to explain the intended absence.

The Department of Education no longer allows exemptions to be given for family holidays during term. Absence for this reason may be classified as “Unjustified”.  For Family Holidays greater than 4 days, completion of an extended leave travel form is required. In this instance, the absence will be recorded as “Explained, Leave”.


Kirrawee High School supports students who undertake elite non-school co-curricular activities in sport, the arts or other endeavours. In these cases, an exemption form must be submitted 7 days before the absence. With approved exemptions, leave is noted as “Explained”, “Exempt” on the official attendance roll.

Late Arrival

Late arrival should be avoided due to its disruptive effect on lessons and the school routine. A late student must report to the office on arrival at school and provide a note explaining the reason. Not all reasons may be deemed as acceptable and in some cases may be recorded as unjustified partial absence (e.g. “slept in”).  If a student arrives late, Years 7 – 10 report to Reception and Years 11 – 12 report to the Administration Office.  Students arriving late will be issued with a late note that will allow them to be admitted to class for remaining periods. Students who are late to school three times in a term will be placed on a lunch detention.  Continual lateness may result in parents being contacted and the student being placed on Thursday afternoon detention.  Due to the impact of continual lateness on learning, a student may be marked as “Unjustified” on the Attendance Roll, irrespective of parent/carer explanations.

Leaving Early

It is expected that a student attends school for the entire day. In cases where a student is unable to attend due to a specialist appointment or other reasons, students must obtain an early leave pass. Students may be asked by authorities for authorisation when offsite out of school hours. Notes seeking permission to be excused from school for legitimate reasons are to be taken to the Head Teacher Student Management office at recess (10.10-10.30am). As with all notes the student’s name and roll class should be placed on the top left hand side of the note. The note must have a specific reason for a student’s absence from school.  Appointment or family issues will not be accepted as reasons and will be marked as “unjustified” on the student’s record of attendance. It is a requirement by the Department that students have a specific and legitimate reason for leave to be approved.  If a student does not report with a note explaining their early leave request, parents/carers will be required to personally sign out their child.  Due to safety reasons, phone calls will not be accepted.

Sport Attendance

Students are expected to attend and participate in sport (DEC policy) and therefore any inability to satisfy this requirement must be explained by a parent. In these cases, students must remain at school and be supervised in a non-sport group. It is expected that medical and other appointments will be made wherever possible at times outside school hours, including sport. If this is not possible, an appointment notice or similar documentation from the provider is required to justify the absence.

Please note: leave request on sport afternoons will be recorded as “Unjustified” if sufficient documentation is not provided”.