Kirrawee High School

Telephone02 9521 2099

Upskill Sessions


You have now received an email and permission note regarding upskills sessions. The Upskill Afterschool Sessions aim to assist all students in enhancing their academic skills, building confidence, and achieving their full potential.

Schedule and Venue: Starting from Wednesday February 14th

The Upskill Afterschool Sessions will be held:

  • Every Wednesday afternoon from 3pm-4pm
  • Every Thursday afternoon from 2pm-3pm

The sessions will take place on the school premises, students will need to check the Sentral notices on the day of the Upskill session to ensure they know which room to go to. These sessions will be conducted by dedicated tutors who are currently training to become teachers as well as current members of our Learning Support Team.

Our trained tutors will work closely with students on any class work, homework, or assessments that they bring to the afterschool sessions, they will not be setting extra work, extension work or remediation work in these sessions.

Some FAQs and answers- 

Why did I get this?

Every parent with students in 7-11 received this permission notes in case students want to attend these sessions, we need parent persmission to say that students can stay at school. This one permission will cover the whole year. 

Is it compulsory?

No, it is an optional support provided by the school.

Do students have to go every day/week?

No, they can come and go as required. A roll will be marked to track student numbers on Wed/Thurs.

Where do I find the information about this?

A letter was sent home in Week 2, please check your emails


It is free.