Kirrawee High School

Telephone02 9521 2099


Year 12 Japanese Extension

Upcoming events




Senior Dance Company 2025


17 March


3:00-4:00 PM


KHS Performance Space

Your child has indicated that they want to be a part of the Kirrawee High School's SENIOR DANCE COMPANY 2025. It will be an excellent experience with opportunities to develop their dance technique and performance skills. There are many performance opportunities this year and we will keep you updated with dates and times throughout the 2025. The Senior Company will rehearsal every Monday afternoon from 3:00pm till 4:00pm in the Performance Space at the back of the Library. Students are required to work hard at each rehearsal, be available for various performances and be committed to the group. Once you accept your position in the Extra Curricular program you will be expected to take part in ALL performances as you are agreeing to be part of a team. Throughout the year you will learn choreography which you will get to Perform at several Festivals as well as school showcases. You will be expected to take part in student choreography tasks to further your creativity skills as well as develop your relationships within your Company. The Kirrawee High Dance Department expects you to give your full attention at every rehearsal and your dance colleagues will expect that that you will be available for every performance. This includes: Sutherland Dance Festival, In the Spot Light Dance Festival, CAPA Showcase, Kirrawee High Dance Showcase (Student Choreograph groups and Company performances), Assembly Performances and Dance Competition. I use email and the Sentral portal daily messages as a way of communicating with the Extra Curricular Dance students as well as Google Classroom. Please join using the code npit23w. Please keep an eye out as I often put messages up on Sentral about auditions and Dance workshops available. By giving permission for your son or daughter to take part in the Kirrawee High School Extra Curricular Dance Program you and your son/daughter are committing to being a part of the Company or Ensemble for the SEMESTER ONE with the potential to extend into Semester 2. You son/daughter might be expected to rehearse and/or perform outside school hours and you need to be aware that you will need to organise transport to and from some of these events. Cost: $130.00 Venue: KHS Performance Space (21 Hunter Street Kirrawee 2232) Dress Code: Dance Attire - black tights and singlet top or tshirt