Kirrawee High School

Telephone02 9521 2099

Inclusive Education Unit - Community Access Stage 4 - Term 1


During term 1, students from the IEU stage 4 will participate in a Community Access and Engagement Program. Students will walk from Kirrawee High School to Kirrawee train station and catch the train to Sutherland. Students will be supervised at all times by accompying staff. Students will then walk to Sutherland library and shops, where they have the opportunity to browse or borrow books and purchase their lunch and/or non-perishable products required for home (e.g. tissues, canned goods, pasta NOT junk food) before returning to school. As part of this program, students will be taught skills to develop independence, such as social skills while out in the community, using money to purchase foods/products and contributing to home life.

Transport:  Students will walk to and from the venue under teacher supervision.

Dress Code:  Full sport uniform including hat.

Food:  Students may bring their own food or may purchase. Students must bring their own water.

Students are to Bring:  Money for lunch/shopping. Small backpack. Water bottle.